The Bilbao Airport Route Development Committee attends Routes World to push for new connections in 2023
Establishing new connections for the summer 2023 and recovering existing routes before the pandemic (Lyon, Prague, Vienna, Rome, Edinburgh, Berlin). These are the main objectives of the Bilbao Airport Route Development Committee in relation to its participation in Routes World, the great international connectivity event, which will take place from 16 to 18 October in Las Vegas. There they will meet with airlines, airports and other agents of the sector. “We will try to get direct feedback from the airlines on how summer 2022 has gone and how they see the autumn/winter, as well as summer 2023,” say sources from the Committee.
The summer campaign has been “very good” and with regard to next year “the outlook is positive although there are uncertainties about what may come this autumn in the global economic outlook and it is not clear how it may affect these connectivity projects”. For the time being, Bilbao airport is already handling good news for 2023, such as the new connection with Warsaw through WizzAir. “We will continue to insist on strategic connections such as Stockholm and Helsinki, as well as reinforcing the new ones so that they continue (Copenhagen, Athens, Eindhoven, Hamburg)”, the Committee advances.