The Routes Committee confirms a “powerful” summer for Bilbao-Bizkaia connectivity at the Connect trade fair
A promising future for Bilbao-Bizkaia connectivity. In addition to confirming a summer 2023 that will be “powerful” in terms of the quantity and quality of the direct destinations planned from the Biscayan capital, the Routes Committee has been able to outline in Connect new connections for this winter and for the summer season of 2024.
The balance has been very favourable, with good prospects of continuing to add routes to the 15 new links in the international market for this year, some of which will be operated for the first time from Bilbao (Warsaw, Riga, Marrakech, Ponta Delgada, Olbia). Others are routes recovered after the pandemic (Vienna, Funchal, Rome, Florence, Prague) and a third group comprises already existing connections, but which new airlines are joining (Hamburg, Zurich, Brussels, Faro).
The meetings held at the Connect forum with the main players in the sector, more than thirty, have been very productive and the meetings of Routes Europe in May and Routes World in October will allow the work of the Committee to be fully consolidated.
CONNECT, the first international event of the year
CONNECT, the major international air connectivity event, closed its doors in Tangier last Friday February 24th with an attendance of more than 425 airlines from over 60 countries.