Bilbao Airport records the best Easter Monday in four years

Bilbao Airport records the best Easter Monday in four years
Bilbao Airport records the best Easter Monday in four years

The Biscayan capital’s aerodrome closed Easter Week yesterday with a record number of almost 25,000 passengers and 151 operations. The coincidence of those returning from their Easter break and those leaving for the Easter holidays has triggered this extraordinary activity at Loiu.

The terminal was the scene of an intense influx, with an average of six minutes between take-off and landing operations. The flight count, carried out between 6:45 a.m. and 11:30 p.m., documented 141 trips on Easter Sunday, 148 on the first monday in April and 139 on Good Friday.

The airport has scheduled 1,486 movements from March 31 st to April 10 th, an increase of 10% over last year. These figures are in line with pre-pandemic figures and augur a record-breaking summer.
