“Good feelings” and new projects on the table after the big connectivity event Routes Europe

“Good feelings” and new projects on the table after the big connectivity event Routes Europe
“Good feelings” and new projects on the table after the big connectivity event Routes Europe

The positive outlook for this year and potential new routes for next season are the main conclusions of the major Routes Europe event in which Bilbao Airport’s Routes Committee took part from 9 to 11 May.

After this meeting, the Committee confirms, together with the airlines, that this year’s connections are working satisfactorily and anticipates “a very interesting summer” in terms of demand for the newly expanded destinations. It emphasises that Bilbao “is well connected” and underlines that future challenges in terms of connectivity will be more specific.

Expectations for 2024 are also encouraging and the Routes Committee is working with airlines on new projects to further strengthen its network. During the next major aviation event, Routes World, scheduled for October, “progress on potential routes” for the following winter and summer is expected to be defined.
