On 1 April, Aena will open the period for airlines to apply for incentives for the summer season. This is the 100% refund of passenger fare for new routes to unserved destinations. This discount applies to the number of passengers that a carrier carries on a route to a new airport destination of more than […]Leer más
Bilbao Airport reaches 410,745 passengers in the best February in its history
Bilbao Airport closed February with 410,745 passengers. Thus, the 17.8% increase in passengers makes last month the best February in the history of the Biscayan infrastructure. With regard to the type of journeys made at Bilbao Airport, both domestic and international trips have shown considerable growth. Thus, the number of domestic passengers grew by 12.8%, […]Leer más
The Bilbao Airport Soundproofing Plan concludes the sound insulation of 480 dwellings
Aena has today informed the Bilbao Airport Environmental Monitoring Commission of the progress made in relation to the implementation of the Bizkaia airport’s Sound Insulation Plan. Among the new developments is the completion of work carried out on 480 homes, bringing the total number of properties soundproofed to date under this plan to 2,202, which […]Leer más
Vuelingek bi hamarkada eman ditu Bilboko Aireportuan eta 25 milioi bidaiari izan ditu
“Harro gaude iragartzeaz 2004ko abenduan iritsi ginenean mugarri hori lortu genuela konpainiarentzat. Bilboko aireportuan bi bidaiaritik bat garraiatuz, lurralde honen aldeko apustua egiten jarraitzen dugu eta gure maiztasuna handitzen dugu datorren udari begira “, adierazi dute Vuelingeko iturriek.Leer más
Vueling celebrates two decades at Bilbao Airport, reaching 25 million passengers
“We are proud to announce that after our arrival in December 2004, we have reached this milestone for the company. Carrying one out of every two passengers at Bilbao airport, we continue our commitment to this territory and we are increasing our frequencies for next summer,” said sources from Vueling, which is celebrating two decades […]Leer más
The Committee takes “very positive” assessment of its time at Connect and predicts good prospects for 2024
The Bilbao Airport Route Development Committee is very satisfied after its participation in the Connect Route Development Forum, held from 7 to 9 February in Turin. With around twenty meetings on its agenda, the assessment of its work at the first major air connectivity event of 2024 is “very positive” and presents good prospects for […]Leer más
Bilbao Airport reaches 380,331 passengers in its best January ever
Bilbao Airport closed January with a total of 380,331 passengers. Thus, the 11.9% increase in passenger numbers makes last month the best January in the history of the Biscayan infrastructure. in the Biscayan infrastructure. With regard to the type of journeys made at Bilbao Airport, both domestic and international journeys have shown considerable growth. Thus, […]Leer más
New routes for autumn-winter, the main objective of the Committee at Connect 2024
Although this summer’s operations are practically closed, the Bilbao Airport Routes Committee is looking to the upcoming Connect Route Development Forum (7-9 February, Turin) as an opportunity to close some last-minute deals, but above all, to discuss possible new connections for the autumn-winter season. According to sources from the committee, its busy agenda includes around […]Leer más
Countdown to Connect Aviation Route Development Forum
The first major international air connectivity event, Connect Aviation Route Development Forum, will kick off in Turin (Italy) on 7 February. Bilbao Airport’s route committee will come to reinforce the air connectivity of Bilbao Bizkaia, for which it will hold several meetings with different airlines and other agents in the sector. This forum, which will […]Leer más
Volotea reached 650,000 passengers on 4,000 flights from Bilbao Airport in 2023
This airline has operated almost 4,000 flights from Bilbao in 2023, which is 29% more than the previous year, and has transported almost 650,000 passengers, 39% more than in 2022. With an offer of more than 700,000 seats, 43% more than in 2022, Bilbao is positioned as one of Volotea’s fastest growing bases in 2023, […]Leer más